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May 8th JAG Meeting
May 8, 2024 @ 9:00 am
Heads Up for May 8th JAG Meeting!
Calling All Jackson Demonstration State Forest Supporters –Your presence and voices are needed—again– to pack the halls at the upcoming Jackson Advisory Group (JAG) meeting on May 8! We did it last time and achieved a first-ever, non-unanimous vote from the JAG that stalled the Camp One Timber Harvest Plan recommendation and deferred other critical decisions. Now they’re back.
Date: May 8, 2024
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Fort Bragg Lions Club, 430 East Redwood Ave, Fort Bragg
For the Forest’s sake, please plan to attend and comment on what’s happening in our public forest, as CalFire continues to:
- Push timber harvest plans (THPs) forward for JAG approval without completing (or even starting) a Co-management plan with Tribes, as required by Governor Newsom’s Mandate
- Cut large fuel breaks and apply herbicides without consulting with the Tribes
- Undermine the Co-management process by seeking to contract it out, bypassing tribal and public involvement
- Remain chronically out of compliance with Mendocino County’s Measure V, passed by a 62% majority in 2015, declaring the use of Imazapyr to kill tan oaks as a fire hazard
- Reappoint John Andersen, Director of Forest Policy for Mendocino Redwood Company to the JAG, despite his conflicts of interest
- Ignore public concerns expressed in public comments and in writing
Although commercial tree cutting in Jackson has been ‘paused’ for the past two and a half years due to public pressure, progress on a State mandated Co-management Plan with Tribes whose ancestral lands encompass the Jackson State Forest, has been stalled by CalFire. Instead of consulting properly with Tribes, as required under California law AB 52, CalFire has tried to substitute a less binding “advisory tribal council”.
A new Management Plan for Jackson is urgently needed in the face of climate change.